Welcome to the Stamping University: Card Inspiration Series. Have you ever been stymied for a creative idea? There are times when I am totally drawing a blank on creativity. Twiddling my thumbs and wandering around my craft room is so unproductive. HELP! How do I get inspired?

Before we begin I’d like to talk about Copy and Share Everything or Copy and Selectively Edit. That is one long phrase so you may hear the acronym CASE. It goes something like this, “I CASEd this [project] from [a person].” Now basically, what it means is that it’s okay to get your ideas from someone or someplace else. The issue is giving credit. In my humble opinion, if the card/project is posted to the public it is sharable and thus CASEable. Now comes the sticky part.


If you are copying exactly then credit should definitely be given to the originator of the idea. But what if all you have is a picture with no markings or signature? Use your best judgment. I like to credit the source. I put “I CASEd this” in my description of my card/project. Giving credit to the originator does several things. First, it is the highest compliment you can give. Second, it is like sourcing your research in a paper and it’s just the right thing to do. And third, it sets the tone for the reader/viewer. It says this person is lovely, considerate and joyful. 


If you are copying but selectively editing then I would use the words “inspired by [a person]” in my description. Editing involves changing shapes, colors, images, etc. 


Every day we are bombarded with ideas that inspire us to create. How do I focus to get the ideas to make a card/project when I have a mental block?  In an attempt to demystify the Inspiration Process I have created a STAMPING UNIVERSITY: Inspiration Process Series broken into 3 parts.

Part 1: Non-Internet Inspiration Sources (Stamping University: Card Inspiration Part 1)

  1. Stampin’ Up! Catalog 
  2. Clothing Catalogs
  3. Trendy Fashion & Home Decor Magazines

Part 2: Internet Inspiration Sources (Stamping University: Card Inspiration Part 2)

  1. Search Engine
  2. Facebook 
  3. Pinterest
  4. Instagram, YouTube & Twitter

In Inspiration Part 2 I will outline how I use Google (Search Engine), Facebook and Pinterest. And show you how to access the BONUS content from Stampin’ Up! and the wonderful Artisans who collaborate with Stampin’ Up! on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

Part 3: Targeted Inspiration (Stampin University: Card Inspiration Part 3)

  1. Challenges
  2. Blog Hops
  3. Swaps

In Inspiration Part 3 I will help you find inspiration from hosted Challenges, Blog Hops and swapping with fellow enthusiasts.

So let’s start with the non-internet Inspiration that you have at your disposal.

1. STAMPIN’ UP! CATALOG (My #1 speediest inspiration booster)

Yes, this is the obvious source. It is right at your fingertips. No technology needed. No ‘rabbit holes’ to fall down. Did you know that the Stampin’ Up Catalog used to be called an IDEA BOOK? How appropriate. If you see a sample that you would like to recreate here the products used in the samples throughout the catalogs


I get a lot of my ideas from catalogs. Here are some of my recent inspirations and results

Colorful Seasons Watercolor

I used a similar color palette as the original inspiration. That made it easier to come up with a composition that was pleasing to me. Experiment! When I am out shopping and I see a fabric that inspires me I take a photo and then use the color combination. 


What is fashion? Coco Chanel said it quite eloquently, 

Image result for quote about fashion and art


Inspiration is everywhere. Don’t limit your paper crafting inspiration to just something that someone else made. See with new eyes. Take a photo. Change the colors of reality and make them your own palette. The inspiration can be color or layout or image composition. Tomorrow we will explore various internet resources for inspiration in Part 2 of the Inspiration Series. 

I know you can do this. So head to your crafty space and just make one thing. I am positive that you will amaze yourself! I would love to see your inspiration/creation photos. Please share with me.

Placing an order today?   If you are placing an order for $150 or more, I want you to enjoy all of the Host Rewards you have earned.  If your order is less than $150, Please add the Host Code for the month when prompted. I use the accumulated Stampin’ Rewards to purchase gifts for my customers and team.


Thank you! If you do not currently have a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator, I would love to work with you. Contact me.

Do Something Creative Every Day,